Friday, July 30, 2010


An individual who identifies himself as the President of the Potter County Pennsylvania Tea Party has issued a public apology for criticizing a screening and community discussion of OUT IN THE SILENCE, a PBS documentary about the lives and struggles of LGBT people in small town Pennsylvania, at the Coudersport Public Library. The surprise flip-flop was issued online on the “Coudy News” website and is reprinted below in its entirety:

George Brown Responds
Posted on July 28, 2010 at 3:15 pm

First, I would like to apologize to the members of the Potter County Tea Party. As one member pointed out, the Gay movie really isn’t what we are about, and that is a very true statement. The tea party is not concerned with a gay movie, but I, as a person was concerned with with the library being the venue for the movie, and frankly that had little to do with our tea party mission either. In retrospect I should of used my personal Email to voice my opinion since this issue had nothing to do with the Tea Party.

However, I do think [Jim Jones] of Solomon’s Words must be on heavy medication, or didn’t have his glasses on. I never said anything about a demonstration or about being mean to the library staff. I did say be nice and voice your opinion, and remember that the people you talk you just work there, they don’t make policy.

Where the threats of a demonstration came from I have no idea, but it was not from me nor from the Tea Party.

Regarding the Tea Pary and gays, we’re happy to have everyone, gay or straight, black, white, brown or red, it makes no difference to us. This is America folks and it is the greatest country in the world. Believe me when I tell you that we have a lot of members with very different political views, but we are all together in the belief that fiscally our country is out of control, and we the people are not being listened to.

For those of the area who made statements about not using the library, the folks at the library do a wonderful job so please reconsider, the library staff are very kind and wonderful people. One decision that someone does not agree with should not close down the library. Let’s be real, we are very lucky to have such a great library here.

I believe a lot of things were said by Solomon’s blog to get people excited. I believe that we in Potter County are fortunate to have each other for neighbors. Let’s love and respect each other, and go out of our way to help others out just as we did before the movie showed up at the library.

You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

God Bless America and everyone who lives here.

George E. Brown
Potter County Tea Party

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