Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Yo Dan Savage, We Love You But, It Hasn't Gotten Better For Everyone Yet, So ...

Please stop saying (as you did most recently in a NEWSWEEK interview) that “the culture war is over and done” and that all we need to do is focus on legislative progress simply because we have Glee and Ellen, and now, at least, the repeal of DADT.

Despite tremendous gains in the pursuit of justice and equality, and major shifts in beliefs about and attitudes toward LGBT people, over the past several decades, far too many of us, particularly younger people and particularly in smaller cities, towns and rural communities, continue to live in the shadows, unable to live openly or speak out for fear of losing our families, friends, jobs, livelihoods, personal safety, and sometimes our very lives.

Each and every time we do a community screening of OUT IN THE SILENCE somewhere in the American heartland, we see and hear about this reality. And each and every time we see and hear about this reality, it is shocking, devastating, infuriating, etc., etc., etc. ...

Perhaps you'll be able to join us at one of these events sometime, where courageous local folks are rising up to share their stories, and powerful grassroots organizations are working with them to develop creative strategies to promote understanding, justice and equality for all in what are still very challenging environments.

As your important campaign implies, it does get better, but only when we do the work together to help make it better.

Joe Wilson & Dean Hamer


Steevo said...

Very well said!

It's not all spangles and joy for the 15 year old boy whose wealthy dad proudly raised six figures for Prop 8. He's just plain stuck and it's gonna be quite a while before he can safely escape.

jstjohn1 said...

Joe, thanks for your great response to Dan Savage's happy horseshit. It does get better, but much more slowly in rural areas--and with a lot of hard work. You & Dean are making a huge difference by traveling the backroads to make sure that those of us on the blue highways have a chance to see the film and discuss it in community gatherings. THANKS for all you're doing!